Well it all started a couple of months before my sons first birthday, sure I had made many cakes before and dabbled with a couple of neat designs but my sons first birthday cake is where my new passion started.
I had done a lot of research for my sons first birthday as you do with your first. I had a couple of different options but decided to go for a fire engine as a wee tribute to my father who has been a firefighter for 25 years.
I had been pinning like mad ideas and different tutorials for fire engine cakes. A couple of the cakes had a few wee firefighters on the side of the cakes and I thought that it would be very cool to have Fire Fighter Grandpa on the cake. I searched every toy store in town, scoured Trade Me and I couldn't find any wee firefighter figurines for sale, so I called around different cake decorating suppliers to see if the made custom figurines. I came across one lady who does them but it was going to be so expensive. I had nearly given when I thought maybe I could try making one.
Next step Youtube. I found heaps of different figurine tutorials but found the Artisan Cake Standing Figure to be the best. I watched it a couple of times wrote down all the tools and ingredients I would need and went shopping. Of course I was so excited to get started I didn't do all the research I should have as to where I could get the items the cheapest so I spent a fortune but now I know all the good spots.
You tube is fantastic! Being able to watch a video, pause, go back pause, start all over again, pause, great for when you are starting and so much easier than someone showing you and you always having to ask them to slow down so you can catch up. I have no idea how many times I watched the clip but it was great.
Here is Fireman Dave (Inspired by Fireman Sam)
I also made a wee Dalmatian, Fire hydrant and a wee fire helmet.
This was the first time I had worked with fondant and I had a ball creating the figure and I learnt so many things and know what to do different next time and how to improve but overall I was pretty happy for my first try.
Now with the cake I hadn't even thought if using fondant as no one in my family likes the taste. So I used a basic butter cream, it was a wet muggy day and Hello trying to tint buttercream to a bright red and not a rosey pink even with paste dyes, so I had so many troubles with the buttercream but it came together in the end and although it was a little rough I know if I try this cake again I will use fondant to get a cleaner finish. It's all about learning and this stage and come on lets face it it was for a first birthday and I am pretty sure my son loved it rough or not.
This was the tutorial I used for the cake, so simple when you think about it.
Here is the finished product
Happy Birthday William!
On to the next cake. What will it be?
Love it! The dalmatian is the cutest! xo